Friday 28 June 2013

'The Silence of the Lambs'

It has been impossible, considering all the postings in the Facebook, not acknowledge the increasing amount of messages about how inspiring, intelligent, mature, and wise is to have some use of silence. I quite start to resent that. Disregarding a nice weekend in the country, away from those noisy neighbours, in total silence, the whole silent talk, seriously, pisses me off!

If silence gives consent but it is also the best way to despise someone, or something, how exactly are we making a point? 

I have already lived enough to know that when the water level goes up we raise our feet high, oh we do, we do! And Freud used to say that when pain reaches an unbearable level, one shouts. But if shouting is precisely the opposite effect we are expecting from silence, putting away all the effort giving so far, would that really be inspiring, mature, and wise holding something up to the morphine needs?

Ok, you might be thinking of that kind of silence caused by contempt or carelessness, the kind that any pain would increase that much on a level that could make you scream. But are we deaf to the screaming from those around us? Especially those merged into a phony tranquillity?

Well, enough with so many question marks! One’s silence can be causing unbearable pain to another person and let’s be fair: one wasn’t properly praying in the middle of all of this!

What I want to say is silence provides a fake sensation of tranquillity, an unreal feeling that nothing is going on or that one has no responsibilities whatsoever upon an event and then, quite juvenile perhaps of myself, it is very hard not to remember ‘The Little Prince’.

Obviously, I am not referring here to tiff or flamed discussions nether consumable debates where, indeed, silence can be a real Master. I am referring here to all that connects with a person’s emotion, feelings, and sensations also connected to you, in any kind of interaction, somehow.

Silence, disguised as Hindu or Chinese wisdom, when not related only and exclusively to one’s internal process, to something that only affects this one, reveals irresponsibility, laziness, denial, shame (matured or not), fear, insecurity, procrastination, bad mental organization and lots of angst into someone waiting for some word. 

There is always something that can be said. At least, saying that one does not have conditions to talk about the issue. However, shouting is a right of anyone under pain, fairly or not. In the meantime, silence itself, will not do a fair judge.

I wish all a silently week of introspection so you can always know what to say in order to break the silence with inspiration, intelligence, maturity, and wisdom.

Eduardo Saldanha Divério.